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MEDICAL STUDIES>>> >>>PSM-Preventive & Social Medicine

Aqib's Recommended Book with Rating:
Indian Textbook:"PARK's" Text Book Of Preventive & Social Medicine(8.5/10)(Note: This is gold standard.A must for all UG students.)

PSM - Subject Page:

COHORT STUDY (Explanation with MCQs), Community Medicine tutorials, PSM lecture, NEETPG2020, FMGE.(Recommended)

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Epidemiological Studies(Recommended)

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Tests of Statistical Significance, Parametric vs Non Parametric tests, PSM tutorial,NEETPG2020, FMGE(Recommended)

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HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM INDIA/Community Medicine/PSM/ fmge /neetpg(Recommended)

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Classification of vaccines : Quick revision : Community Medicine,PSM

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LEVELS of PREVENTION: Community Medicine Tutorials, PSM lecture(Recommended)

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Live Session By Dr. Ashwani Ranjan on biostats,epidemiology and recent questions(Recommended)

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INFECTIOUS DISEASES PART I, TERMS, Communicable disease vs Infectious Diseases,NEETPG,FMGE,PSM tutor(Recommended)

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PSM for FMG / MCI screening exam Live session by Dr Mukhmohit Singh(Recommended)

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(Geriatrics) Health Problems of the Aged - PSM for Medical Students

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Last minute revision for AIIMS Examination PSM AIIMS analysis: Important Topics & repeated questions(Recommended)

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*Admin's Important Question Bank List(You Must Know)!!!

-SAQ's (Short Answer Question's).
1.PQLI(Physical Quality of Life Index).
2.HDI(Human Development Index).
3.Determinants of Health.
4.Levels of health care.
5.Iceberg of disease.
6.Monitoring & Surveillance.
7.Levels of Prevention.
8.Modes of Intervention.
10.Community diagnosis.
11.International Classification of diseases.
12.Case fatality rate.
13.Incidence rate & its advantages over cumulative incidence rate.
14.Common source epidemics.
15.Place distribution.
16.Migration studies.
17.Odd's Ratio.
18.Biases in case control studies.
19.Advantages & Disadvantages of Case control studies.
20.Risk Ratio or Relative Risk & Attributable risk.
21.Population attributable risk & its advantages over attributable risk.
22.Main differences between Case Control & Cohort studies.
23.Advantages of Case Control studies over Cohort studies.
24.Blinding or Blinding in RCT.
25.Definition of Epidemic,Endemic & Sporadic.
26.Opportunistic infections in HIV or AIDS.
27.CARRIERS or Carriers in Typhoid.
28.Incubation period.
29.Secondary Attack Rate.
30.Herd Immunity.
31.Illustrate the elements of Cold Chain.
32.Difference between Isolation & Quarantine.
34.Rash in Measles,Rubella & Chicken pox in children.
35.CRS(Congenital Rubella Syndrome).
36.DPT Vaccine.
37.Epidemiological determinants of Whooping cough.
38.Prevention & control of Meningococcal meningitis.
39.Tuberculin test.
40.DOTS or DOTS Chemotherapy & DOTS - PLUS.
41.BCG Vaccination.
42.Strategies for Polio Eradication in India.
43.PPI(Pulse Polio Immunization).
44.Epidemiological determinants of Hepatitis A.
45.Hepatitis B vaccine.
47.Typhoid: Control & Vaccine.
48.API,ABER,SPR in Malaria.
49.Treatment & Chemoprophylaxis of Malaria in India or Uncomplicated Malaria.Malaria Vaccine.
50.Filaria: Survey & Chemotherapy.
51.Clinical pictures & diagnosis of Rabies in man.Rabies PEP(Post Exposure Prophylaxis)
52.Control of Chickunungunya fever.
54.Leptospirosis.Epidemiological determinants of Leptospirosis.
55.List the Rickettsial diseases.
56.Bacterial index in Leprosy.
57.Occupational PEP in HIV infection.
58.Preventive measures forHospital Acquired Infection.
59.Rule of halves
60.Modifiable risk factors for HTN.
62.Epidemiological factors & Prevention in Rheumatic fever.
63.Use of BMI to classify obesity.
64.Assessment of Obesity.
65.Causes of Blindness in India.
66.Discuss the Epidemiological determinants & prevention of Blindness in India.
67.Vision 2020.
68.Risk factors or Etiological factors of RTA(Road Traffic Accidents).Human & environmental factors of Accidents.
69.Domestic Accidents.
71.HIV Sentinel surveillence.
72.Universal safety precautions.
74.IMNCI(Integrated Management of Neonatal & Childhood Illness).
75.Adolescent Health Care Programme.
76.Demographic cycle>>>Demographic Indicators.
77.Age pyramid.
78.Life Expectancy.
79.Factors determining fertility.
80.Fertility related indicators/statistics.
81.CPR(Couple Protection Rate).
82.NPP(National Population Policy).
83.MTP Act.
84.Guidelines for Sterilization(Terminal methods).
85.Pearl index.
86.High risk approach in ANC.
87.Neonatal care unit in health centre.Apgar score.
88.Diagnosis of Neonatal diseases Vs Classification of Neonatal condition.
90.KMC(Kangaroo Mother Care).
91.Determinants of Growth & Development.
92.Growth chart used in India & its uses.
93.Under five's clinic.
94.Mental retardation.
95.Juvenile deliquency.
96.Child Trafficking.
97.ICDS(Integrated Child Development Services): Details & Services for various beneficiaries under ICDS.
98.Geriatric dementia.
99.Parboiling: Its process & advantages.
100.Prudent diet or Dietry goals.
101.Prevention of IDD(Iodine Deficiency Disorders).
102.Endemic Fluorosis.
105.Pasteurization of Milk.
106.Epidemic dropsy.
107.Food additives,fortification & Adulteration.
108.Social Problems Vs Social Pathology.Social Defence.
109.Types of learning.
110.Kuppuswamy's socio-economic status scale.
111.Doctor patient relationship.
112.MSW(Medical Social Worker).
113.Consumer Protection Act.
114.Social Security.
115.Steps in disinfectionof walls.
116.Bacteriological quality of drinking water.
117.Surveillance of Drinking water quality.
118.Particulate air pollutants.
119.Sources of Radiation exposure & its biological effects.Radiation protection.
120.Hazards of Heat exposure.
121.Global warming.
122.Indicators of healthy housing.
123.Controlled tipping: A methodof refuse disposal.
124.Composting: As a method of refuse disposal.
125.Water Seal Latrine.
126.RCA Latrine.
128.Transmission of Arthropod borne disease.
129.Integrated Vector Control.
130.Difference between Anophelini & Culicini mosquitoes.Aedis aegypti index.
131.Mosquito control measures.
132.Diseases transmitted by Ticks & its Control.
133.Control of Cyclops.
134.Antirodent measures.
135.Treatment & Disposal option of Biomedical waste.Hospital waste management.
136.Sickness Absenteeism.
137.Sex chromosomal disorders.
138.What is Eugenics.
139.Genetic Counselling.
140.Amniocentesis for Chromosomal anomalies.
141.Warning signals of poor mental health.
142.Prevention of Drug dependence.
144.SRS(Sample Registration System).
145.Bar charts.
147.The Standard Deviation.
148.Normal distribution curve with diagram.
149.Sampling methods or techniques.
150.Tests of Significance.
151.Types of Communication.
152.Barriers of Communication.
153.Health Education Vs Health Counselling.
154.Health EducationVs Health Propagenda or Publicity.
155.Group Discussion.
156.Panel Discussion as a method of Health Communication.
157.Planning Cycle with Diagramatic approach.
158.Cost Benefit Analysis.Cost Effective Analysis.
159.Network Analysis.
160.Bhore Committee,1946.
161.Kartar singh Committee,1973.
162.Shrivastav Committee,1975.
163.Panchayat Raj in India.
164.MDG(Millenium Development Goals).
165.Health manpower.
166.Health care services & Health care systems.
167.Responsibility of Anganwadi worker.
168.Job functions of Medical Officer of PHC.
169.Antenatal services offered by Health worker female(HWF) or Functions of Health worker females(HWF).
170.Job functions of Health worker Male(HWM).
171.Indigenous systems of Medicine.
172.Voluntary health agencies in India.
173.WHO Theme(Note:It might be any year).
174.WHO.Functions of WHO.
175.Services offered by or functions of UNICEF in India.
176.FAO(Food Agriculture Organization).
177.International Red Cross & Indian Red Cross.

-LAQ's (Long Answer Question's).
1.Define Epidemilogy.Classify the various epidemiological studies.Its uses/aims.How will you investigate an epidemic outbreak in your society.
2.Descriptive studies/epidemilogy.
3.Describe the steps involved in Case Control Study.
4.Describe the various steps in Cohort Study.Its Advantages & Disadvantages.
5.RCT(Randomized Control Trial): Describe its basic steps.
6.SCREENING: Types,Criteria,Validity,Sensitivity & Specificity of a screening test.
7.CHICKENPOX: Rash,Eruptive stages & Complications.
8.MEASLES: Epidemiology,Clinical features, Prevention & Control of Measles.
9.Food Poisoning: Define,Types,How will you Investigate & Prevention & Control.
10.Dengue: Epidemiology,Prevention & Control,DHF(Dengue Heaemorrhagic Fever),DSS(Dengue Shock Syndrome),Treatment.
11.TETANUS: Epidemiology & Prevention & Control.
12.LEPROSY: Epidemiology,Early detection,various stages for control of Leprosy in India & Multidrug therapy in Leprosy.
13.BP: Mention WHO classification of BPmeasurements.Describe the risk factors for Hypertension.Describe WHO recommended approach for prevention of HTN.
14.CERVICAL CA: Describe the risk factors,screening & prevention of Cervical CA.Add a note on cancer registeries.
15.BREAST CA: Discuss in details the risk factors,screening & prevention of Breast CA.
16.DM(Diabetes mellitus): Epidemiological determinants,prevention & care of DM.Discuss the screening for DM.
17.Strategic action plan for Malaria control in India.
18.AIDS: National AIDS Control Programme.
19.NRHM(National Rural Health Mission).
20.Describe in details the strategies under RCH - phase 2 programme.Components & community level implementation.Discuss the Janani Suraksha Yojana scheme.
21.Classify Contraceptive methods.Describe spacing methods.Side effects & complications of IUD.Male pill.Injectable contraceptives.
22.Define Maternal death.What is the current MMR of India.What are the cause for high MMR in India.Suggest preventive & social measures for reducing the high MMR. Enumerate the indicators of MCH & give its formula.Causes of high Perinatal Mortality rate in India.
23.Describe various methods for detection of PEM in children.Discuss the preventive methods for reducing incidence of PEM in India. Gomez classification for detection of PEM in India.
24.Describe the various causes & detrimental effects of Nutritional Anemia.Describe the various interventions to reduce the prevalence of Nutritional Anemia in India.
25.Define Family & describe its various types.Family life cycle.Describe in details the role of Family in Health & Diseases.Problem families.
26.Purification of water ona large scale.Slow sand filter.Backwashing.Break point chlorination.
27.Define Noise.What are the effects of Noise exposure on health,Discuss the various approaches needed to control noise.
28.What is WHO definition of Disaster.Describe in details various phases in Disaster Management.Triage in disaster management.Disaster preparedness.
29.What is Ergonomics.How does it benefits workers to employers.Occupational hazards of agricultural workers.
30.Classify Occupational diseases.Silicosis.Pneumoconiosis.Asbestosis.Lead poisoning(Plumbism).Occupational Cancer.
31.Describe in details the Medical & Engineering measures to prevent the Occupational diseases.
32.Medical benefits to employees under ESI Act.
33.PHC(Primary Health Care): Definitiom, components,functions & principles of Primary Health Care.PHC at village level.

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